Medicating the tank


I have one surviving Cardinal fish in my tank after I lost all other fish....the fish does show signs of stress, and cloudiness in the eye.....he is eating though minimally....I cant net him.....the tank recently went thru a huge temp. spike (8-10 degrees) and this fish is still hangin.....I bought Maracyn Plus and was thinking of medicating the tank....any thoughts


It Depends On What Is In There Now. Do You Have Any Living Inverts?
If Nothing Is In There But Your Poor Cardinal, It Cant Hurt To Add The Marin. Is It The Reef Safe Tech Marin?
After You Have Treated-and Your Fish Has Recovered Or Passed On To That Great Ocean In The Sky, Do A Water Change-massive And Run Some Chem Pure Or Bio Chem Zorb To Clean Up Any Residue.
Good Luck-saltwater Fish Just Cannot Take Temp Changes.
Did You Remedy The Problem That Caused It?


well i just came home from work,...the cardinal did not make it......the tank is now empty except for a cleaner shrimp, some turbo snails, hermit crabs and a sea urchin....should I do a water change and wait a few weeks before puting anything back into the tank?


Yes, You Should.
Actually, If You Had Parisites In The Tank, You Need To Wait At Least 6 Weeks Before Putting Anything Else In There.
This Is A Good Time To Work On Your Aquascaping!


Staff member
You should think about setting up a quarantine tank for your fish. Otherwise, you continue to battle fish diseases without recourse.
It is always a bad idea to add medications, antibiotics, copper, etc., to a display tank. These medications will destroy your biofilter and could cripple the ecosystem of your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by snooky
I have one surviving Cardinal fish in my tank after I lost all other fish....the fish does show signs of stress, and cloudiness in the eye.....he is eating though minimally....I cant net him.....the tank recently went thru a huge temp. spike (8-10 degrees) and this fish is still hangin.....I bought Maracyn Plus and was thinking of medicating the tank....any thoughts
no do not put that type of medication into your display tank many fish have died recenlty and what symptoms/slash cause
some deseases cannot be treated by natural remodies such as melafix/ pima fix once they have reached a cetrain point.if you insist you must treat your fish in the main tank those are your only options I would start with water change check all all paremters make sure water is in good levels ph amonia trate and trites good levels ranging below 10 no higher but closer to 0 if possible.but i do recomend placing this fish into a quarentine tank and medicated fully with maracyn


thanks for all the advice....i will do a water change....and set up a quarantine tank.....
Since I will not be adding any fish for a while, do I need to add any cycle to the tank???
Or just keep monitoring my levels and leave the tank alone....


Active Member
just keep it running and monitor the tank do nesesary top off if needed. to start up your quarentine i recomend using the water from your main tank to lesson he stress and eliminate acclimation


Well.. there's a great debate in this forum regarding medicines..
But those of us who have used it will tell you I HAVE SEEN IT WORK>>>
Use some Chem Marine Stop Parasite...if you have ick... it will NOT harm any of your inverts or corals... but IT DID CLEAN UP THE PARASITES FROM MY CLOWNS!!!!
I watched the debate for a while, and saw everyone who had used it swearing by it and everyone who had not saying it wasn't possible... so I gave it a shot.. and guess what?