Medusa worms


New Member
Ok so today I was checkin out the tank and found some crazy looking worms, I positively ID'd em as medusa worms. I couldnt find out too much info on them, they are kind of scary so I was worried about them attacking fish or my inverts. Anyone have any experience with these. The one must be 4 inches long with some crazy color patterns and little tenticles on its head. I'll try to get some pics.


Active Member
There movement is limited not much control, our lfs had one get stuck in a powerhead and the death and toxins killed everything in the tank overnight, and i think there are a wretched ugly little creature


Active Member
They are sea cucumbers and are sand sifters, posing no threat to anything but not suitable for all tanks.
Rob Toonen has written articles on Medusa Worms. Google "Toonen Medusa Worms" and see what you get.


Active Member
Those are actually quite different animals. Medusa Worms are not "worms" at all. But spaghetti worms are a highly specialized worm. Very cool, but very different

Here is a medusa "worm" from the california academy site:


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
There movement is limited not much control, our lfs had one get stuck in a powerhead and the death and toxins killed everything in the tank overnight, and i think there are a wretched ugly little creature

Yup, not worth risking. My girlfriend lost 10 Erectus Seahorses, and her corals have never been the same since her Sea Cucumber decided to nuke the tank.


Active Member
Not all cucumbers are toxic and in fact these are unlikely to cause such problems. However they need pretty large tanks with lots of open sand. Most tanks are probably not suitable for them.


New Member
Ok so I guess all I can do is pray these things don't die and wreck the tank, I would never have purchased one, they sorta just came with the rocks. Quite the creepy critters.