MegaFlow Overflow Info. Needed: A.S.A.P. Please?


I have a 125 gal. reef with 2 megaflow overflows from all-glass aquarium. My question is, can anyone email me a pic or draft of how they hooked up, or would hook up a dual megaflow overflow system plumbing on a 125? I already have the kit put together, I just want to know how all the plumbing would go. I have an 24 mag-drive pump that will be used for this system that I plan on using externally from my sump. I appreciate all help. Please email me a pic, draft, or comments to A.S.A.P. please? :confused:
Thank You Very Much,


Active Member
What part are you looking for ..?
"T"ing the two lines together to one pump or the overflows or what they go to...?/
Kinda like this...


I just wanted a few examples, pictures, and ideas on how people would set up a system that consisted of a dual MegaFlow Overflow on a 125 reef, with an external pump(24 MagDrive with a ballvalve) extracting water from the sump and back into the tank. Mainly I am interested in the whole plumbing format. All help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for responding Squidd.
Thank You,