

:help: MY Lfs has a 55 gallon saltwater tank fowlr ben having trouble with it so they decided to use Melafix but the moment it hit the water all fish hit the bottom with in 15 min angel was dead about 30 min the clown by the next day all were gone.But they had 2 small anemone that lived.Ever the all the fire worms in the tank died.Does anybody know why this happened?


could have been due to a alkalinity drop. Although it says it wont alter it, friends have used it for there YT's, and saw it drop from 8.2 down to 7.6 in just a day. Unfortunately he too lost ALL fish and inverts because of it. He also used all corect dosage amounts required for his tank!


Thanks for the info.I don't know if i want to set my tank up now after everything have been reading on here think iI might just sell the big tank or use it for my O


Nah, no need to sell. I'm not sure what he had, fish wise, in the tank, but there are certain fish that are just prone to problems.. i.e. some tangs and angels (just for example) You could just do an agressive FOWLR like with triggers and puffers and probably escape a lot of the heartache, although nothing with this hobby is certain. I know a lot of people who seem to have more luck with FOWLR's than reefs, just easier to maintain. I would personally keep, for all the times the tanks up and running good, well worth the money and time spent!


I'll keep it just can't do without a reef tank.Done everything eles so far but I think i will study more before we set up the 180 can't afford to mess up I'm not rich but I'm very good on taking care of fish and plants we just saved a oscar the was almost dead from H.I.T.H but now she has recoved 100% so this is the next level


The EXACT same thing happened to me.
The EXACT moment I put the correct dosage into the water, my snails fell off the glass!
The fish in the tank darted out, laid on the sand, and died within 30 minutes!


I added melafix and pimafix because I thought my newly bought clown had a fungal disease... he ended up dieing... due to stress... he decided to go down my overflow twice... and I think it was due to the chemicals... my old raniford lived tho but it really affected my cleanup crew as well as my mushrooms.


Active Member
Mela and PIMA fix's are nothing more than snake oils whose only purpose is to take yet more $$ out of your pocket. Odds are a routine of water changes will offer just as good of results as either of those two products will. Its nothing but a huge dose of DOC's that can and willplay havoc with respiration and do little if anything at all in treating anything, except to make the water smell different. You would not belive how much carbon or Potassium Permangante it takes along with time to remove that crap once its in the water...There have also been documented accounts of it building up a coating on fishes gills.


I like Mela fix and Pimafix but would not use it everyday only for things like H.I.T.H but thats all Plus after this I won't use it on saltwater but thats just meI have had good luck with it