Members opinions on new solana


New Member
Hello everyone.
I was a reefkeeper for some years back in the 90's but I had to put it aside
for awhile. My teenagers are almost grown now so I'm going to get the hands wet again.
I'm going to purchase a solana from a dealer in the Dallas area but not thrilled with the pendent I have seen them with.
What would you think of using the current sunpod 1060 150w with the
current satellite 1012 t-5 40w for the blue side of things?
I'm shure I'll probably need a chiller for this setup but thats ok by me.
I do plan on having some stoney corals in the future so this lighting configuration looked good to me.
I thought I would ask the members here as I have been asleep in the hobby for a few years.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.

I'll post as things progress.


sounds like a good setup to me, but for the money you are going to spend on that system i would look into the 28 gallon jbj nano with the HQI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rtspeed
sounds like a good setup to me, but for the money you are going to spend on that system i would look into the 28 gallon jbj nano with the HQI.
Agree with speed on that on. But if thats what u want it sounds good to me. I bielve DeMartini had problems with ur Solona light fixture whenever she was going to set up her other tank so IDK?


money wise I agree with the above posters. I do however like the solana alot! so IF you have the money and are willing to get another HQI lamp/pendant to replace the one that comes with it I say go for it.


New Member
Thanks rtspeed I did look into the jbj but the wife fell in love with the looks of the solana and it looked sweet to me too.
"If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy"

I spoke to a dealer today (LFS) said he has the current sunpod but he is going to swap out the blub replacing it with a 20000k and thinks I might not need the satellite. What do you think?
Later tonight I do some reading on the 20000k.
Over the phone mind you he quoted me...
tank,stand,sunpod 2k < $600
There store was closed today so I'm going to pay a visit tommorow.
I'm getin all fired up.

Good to be here cuddlefish.


well look at it this way regular sunlight is about 12 to 13000K, there is no natoral sunlight that is 20000K, yes it makes your coral look better but all in all will have a little effect on the growth of the corals as it is not the natural spectrum.
here is a shot of one of my biocube's with 12000K and i believe it lets the natural bueaty of the coral stand out.


Also you may want to look into a CAD light 39 gallon, as it is all self contained and also has a built in refuge. I believe its the best bang for your buck and i loved mine til i upgrade everything in it to my 300 gl display.


New Member
I did see the cad 39 last week when I was looking around on the net last week to see what was goin on in the reef world. It does look like a nice system.
We did a remodel on our den and the solana will look good with the way we have it set up.
The sunpod comes with the 14000k and I was coming to the same conclusion as I was reading when I saw the post.
Your biocube looks beautiful. Well done.
Looks like your upgrading while I'm downgrading so to speek... I have my old 225 gal dry in the garage, I miss it but we dont have the room anymore.
I think I'll just stick with the stock sunpod I can do feindish experiments later as my hands get wetter. Insert evel laugh


New Member
Ok here we go...
Tank,stand,sunpod to be picked up friday.
I found a good LFS went for a look at the shop and it was very nice.
It was clean,laid out well,all the livestock looked healthy and thriving.
Professional equipment and a flow of reef keepers through the store.
The pricing structure seemed to be about 20% above online which
is fine with me as I like to do business local when I can.


New Member
Yeah I had to scout around to find a new membrane for my old ro unit but I found one. The prefilter and carbon was easy enough though.
If all goes well I hope to have it all leak tested and mix the salt this weekend.
I'm not shure what brands of sea mix this LFS has (I forgot to check
What's a good one that most are using?
I did see if they had refractomeaters in stock and they do, just have to learn how to use one now.
Test kits too, I remember how fast this can all add up.


Active Member
I think you'll find the Sunpod (Current) 14K to be very white. I switched mine to 20K current bulb and it's still whiter than my Phoenix 14K's on another tank.