Merlin Is Gorgeous And Attractive


New Member
King Uther Pendragon (Anthony Head, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is a tyrant who rules Camelot. He banishes magic from his realm and condemns to death anyone who practices it. Merlin (Colin Morgan, Doctor Who) is a man with magical powers who arrives in Camelot during this time. He learns that his future is tied to the young Prince Arthur (Bradley James, Portobello 196). Merlin learns to control his powers and help Prince Arthur with the help of court physician Gaius (Richard Wilson, Demons) and the Great Dragon (John Hurt, Hellboy).
Merlin: The Complete First Season takes place when all the characters are teenagers so it's loaded with lots of typical teenage angst including rebellion against father figures, teen romance, and drama. The characters are, of course, mostly gorgeous and attractive which further leads to the appeal to the younger crowd.
While Merlin is very entertaining, it doesn't hold true to the standard Arthurian legend at all although it wasn't the producers' intention to stay true to the legend. Merlin should be an old man and well versed in magic use and not a teenager who doesn't do magic very well. They took out the entire incestuous aspect of the legend where Merlin enchants Arthur to look like Morgan's father so that they can be intimate. Uther Pendragon was ambushed and killed when Arthur was just a baby according to legend; however in this movie he's alive and well.