Message board is slower than ever. Still working on it?

ed r

Is the server still being worked on? This message board seems slower than ever the last couple days. Other sites, including SWF's Reef Packages load quickly. Drop outs and fail to posts are also common on the message board.


Active Member
It does seem a lot slower. I think the last server was faster than this one. Maybe too many people are registered here?


Two words.. Cable Modem!
Ive got Cable/DSL connection and everything pops up in seconds.. What are you running?


definitely still some probs.. sometimes pages load up quick, sometimes not at all. sometimes i have to close out the window, and open it up from the beginning...=(

ed r

I have a cable modem as well, and the other sites are not showing the problems this one is. It is not continuous. Once in a while it seems ok, then back to crawling or failing to open threads. Much of the time I abort posts because it is taking to long. The fish forum is often slower than the reef, but that is not consistent either.


I agree with everyone else the board is definately alot slower these days. Pretty frustrating sometimes especially when you are in the middle of a big post and it crashes out on you....


Active Member
watch out you guys I posted a similar thread and a certian shark took it opon herself to lock it out and tell me to quit "crying" because I was only one of the few having problems. WHATEVER
I do not understand, I have a T connection here at work, and DSL at home. The only time I have trouble is for about 3 days, during the switchover. Everything is loading fast.


Staff member
Actually, what I said was to quit crying because this BB is a free service to you and everyone else, while it costs $$$ so that you, and everyone else here, can enjoy the BB.
A bit of "slowness" seems inconsequential to me and to be harping on this issue for days on end seems, to me at least, to be counterproductive and a waste of valuable space on this BB. Come to think of it, since the BB is so slow, continuing to overemphasize this minor inconvenience that some are experiencing might actually be the culprit in making the BB seem slower! LOL
Don’t we have better things to mull over? Like our fish tanks!

cap'n pete

First of all, I would like to remind EVERYONE that we post concerns to make SWF aware so they can look into the problem and come up with a solution if possible. You can't fix something if you don't know it's broke! On the other hand we don't need to keep beating a dead horse.
Secondly, and this is really getting on my nerves, just because YOU don't have the same problem as someone else doesn't mean they DON'T have a problem. I also have noticed the server being extremely slow at times.
I am sure that SWF is aware and looking into the problem.


It seems to have picked up because it's been pretty normal lately,I'm sure that what they are doing is necessary to keep the board current and running at it's peak.
Cap'n pete,
It works both ways. I do not have any problems with the new server. Just because some HAVE the same problems as someone else does NOT mean that "they" DO have problem with the server.

kris walker

Active Member
Then there are the "javascript" errors that come up, as they did for me today. ISP's have nothing to do with that. Just wanted to add fuel to the fire. ;) But keep in mind I am a webmaster myself
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
and I understand such problems can be a pain to solve sometimes, especially with complicated websites (the one I work on is way simple in comparison).


I usually let these kinds of threads pass but...
Beth is correct, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially if it works for free and is trying (at some expense) to do even more for you for free. Feedback is good, complaints seem petty.
Now I will run and duck for cover.