I have two fish in hypo right now...My coral beauty had severe ich but I was lucky to have caught him and now he is recovering in hypo for the last two weeks. My dilema is this. I have a damsel and two chromis in display tank with tons of inverts. Do I take the tank apart to get the three fish out and let the tank sit for a month or do I finish my hypo in another two weeks and hope all is well and place them back in the display. The three fish have been in the display since the ich epidemic and have shown no signs of the parasite. Thank you in advance for your advice.
I have two fish in hypo right now...My coral beauty had severe ich but I was lucky to have caught him and now he is recovering in hypo for the last two weeks. My dilema is this. I have a damsel and two chromis in display tank with tons of inverts. Do I take the tank apart to get the three fish out and let the tank sit for a month or do I finish my hypo in another two weeks and hope all is well and place them back in the display. The three fish have been in the display since the ich epidemic and have shown no signs of the parasite. Thank you in advance for your advice.