metal halide and biocube 29


Hi guys!
Does anyone have a metal halide in/on their BioCube 29 tank? I've got a custom built canopy that I'd like to put halides in.
Can you post some pics of your tank and lighting setup?
I'm afraid that I'm going to have some dark spots or shadowing in my tank due to my LR setup.
Thanks for your advice/help/pix!


I wish I could help! I'd love to have some metal halides on my BioCube 29. If you don't mind my asking, how'd you get a custom built canopy? I'd love one of those!


Active Member
Tirtza if I'm not mistaken I think it was the company Nanotuners that use to do custom stuff like that.


Active Member
Nanotuners used to sell kits to replace the stock lights with a metal haldie unit in the stock biocube canopy. I used to have a Sunpod on mine but not in the stock canopy.