metal halide anyone?


I need some help determining what type of metal halide system to purchase. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Can you guys post PICS of your MH's please if you have them.. I am looking for far shots.. not close ups.. I know what they look like close up, but am wondering about the fixtures..
Thanks a bunch.... I just got compact florescents about a month ago and I am kicking myslef.. $$ wise.... I should have invested in MH because I love clams...I have a canopy and thought i couldnt have them..????. Also, can they be detrimental to other corals?? too much light??
Also, info about fans to (if needed)
Thanking you kindly, Kim
Heres a pic of my tank now....


Active Member
I agree with OldYellerTang - 175w may get the job done but for the extra $20 or so why not get the 250Ws and leave nothing to chance?


Active Member
IMO the amount of additional heat thrown off of a 250 watt bulb as compared to a 175 in 90% of the cases isn't enough to warrant the need for a chiller. I have 2 X 250w MH over my 55 gallon as well as 2 110w vhos and my temps are steady. As far as the increase in power bill I have not noticed a big difference going from PC to MH (much less from 175 s to 250s)? Yes, I agree the bulbs are a little more expensive but when you add everything up it is might come out to an additional $20/month which I will gladly pay to have a healthier tank! It still beats putting out $500 - $1000 for lighting that you realize isn't enough and then having to put out more money in 6 months because you didn't get what you needed the first time (not to mention the costly livestock you killed along the way!) ! Going with less isn't always the best value!


Active Member
Perhaps a little.... but I had to make up for your exaggerated need for a $400 chiller statement! ;) I had a thread about Metal Halide lighting and keeping SPS a week or 2 back. In that thread and I guess the reason that I jumped into this thread is that it is stated that you know that it is better to have more lighting BUT... you can possibly do it with less. What this tells the person in search of help is GO WITH LESS (or at least it implies it). You yourself just said that hind sight being 20/20 you would have gone with 400watts (not the 175w you choose). Perhaps if I hadn't said something in this thread the person looking for lighting help might have made the same costly mistake as you based on your 175w is OK advice - That is all I am trying to avoid. I too made the mistake of not getting enough lighting the first time! It is hard to justify new lighting to the wife when your old lights are only 6 months old - trust me I know!:rolleyes: