Metal Halide Decisions


New Member
Ok, so I took the plunge and bought 2-250 Watt metal halide retrifit kits. I received them in the mail today and the paperwork with them say to use a Hamilton mogul bulb or anything pulse start. What kind do any of you recommend? Also, what types of bulbs should I get, 10K, 20K, or 65K? I also have 4 moonlights, and plan on getting a T5 actinic to place in the canopy for the blue affect. What else do I need? Thanks for any advice.

yeffre kix

I like the 10,000K personally. The 20K looks too blue to me. Since your going with the actinic suplements you should be in great shape! Stay away from the 65K they aren't the right color for your light demanding corals. I've seen a site somewhere that sells MH bulbs that does a comparison by picture of color values. Search MH bulbs and see if you can find it. I looked at a lot of different sites so no idea wich one. In the end its all a matter of preference.