Metal halide flickering off?


My metal halide keeps turning off. It is doing it more and more frequently (about 15-20 times per day). IT stays off for a minute, then powers itself back on. Does this sound like my bulb is burning out (light is about 4 months old) or does it sound more like my electricity to the light might be fluctuating (its on a timer).


New Member
I don't know, but do you think it would be safe to hook a uninteruptable power supply (UPS) up to the lights? This would kick on if you had voltage brown outs. I was considering it for when I get lights. Maybe the lights are to much for a UPS to handle though.


Active Member
UPS units come in several flavors... Double Conversion, Online, and Standby. Standby UPSs comprise 95% of the market... but they really don't do well at backing up magnetic loads, such as motors, ballasts, etc. They will run them okayish... pumps and such will run, but not exactly right because the waveforms of AC they produce is different. Standby UPS units are the ones you get at Best Buy or CompUSA, etc. They are the cheapest units.
To run a halide correctly, you really need double conversion, but be prepared to spend a TON on it. Double Conversion UPSs are designed for server rooms and the like. That said, it's touch and go, and the standby type will usually work either acceptably or well enough that you don't notice any problem, so it's sort of a case by case thing.
Anyhow, back to your topic, your bulb is either failing or the capacitor in the ballast pack is dead. A 4 month old bulb should not be failing, but it might be a faulty bulb that just died early. What I would do is replace the bulb (or swap with another fixture if you have one) and see if the problem goes away... if not, then you have a spare bulb for when the one you have DOES go out....
If it remains, I'd look in the ballast pack at that capacitor. If it has gone bad, you can easily order a replacement from Grainger or any local electrical supply house... metal halide components are very common in the commercial industry so any big supply house (read: NOT Home Depot) will carry them. A capacitor shouldn't be more than 10-15 dollars.


Active Member
How old is the lighting system? I know you said the bulbs are 4 months old, but the ballast setup itself???? What type of bulb,and what type of ballasts are your running or who is the manufacturer of the lighting system.......
I've actually bought several Sunburst bulbs from Hamilton and out of 4 of them with a month lost 3 out of the 4, so it's not that it couldn't be the bulbs, but what I would honestly try is swapping the bulbs between the sockets and see if it happens to the other bulb when you put it on the suspected bad ballast......If it does then you have a ballast issue, if it doesn't then you have a bulb issue....HTH