Metal Halide Heat Question


I'm trying to decide between 2 250w MH and 2 150w MH lighting. My LFS seems to think that that 2 250's would be too much heat and too much light for my 90g. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jw1977 http:///forum/thread/381136/metal-halide-heat-question#post_3318547
I'm trying to decide between 2 250w MH and 2 150w MH lighting. My LFS seems to think that that 2 250's would be too much heat and too much light for my 90g. Is this true?

I use 2 X 175w MH with 2 x 96w actinic in my 90g reef. Not too much and not to little. 150w is not enough for corals. I hang my lights on a pulley sytem and I have no heat issues from them. I also have fans in the light system and fans on either end of my canopy that I removed the hinged top off from. (I liked the finished look of a canopy but needed to hang the lights.)
Summer time if the house is hot,
so is the fish tank. AC fixes that, and it would be a problem not matter what kind of lights I have because I also ran PCs with the same issues. I don't want to drop $500.00 on a chiller.


Active Member
same here my 90 reef had 2 175 watters and no heat issue.but now i run 3 250 watt mh and 200 watts of will go up a degree or two but dont seem to make problems.same differenc 4 foot tank 2 bulbs 6 foot tank 3 bulbs.i wouls say get the 250's if it does heat up you can always raise the fixture a bit.


Active Member
Too much light, no. Too much heat? Depends on if your fixture is enclosed and how much ventilation you have.