metal halide lighting ?


Im going to upgrade to halides soon. I was thinking about just your run of the mills regular probe start magnetic metal halide balast. However, I belive my first choice in bulbs is going to be Iwaski 6,500K (mercury vapor). I read that these bulbs acually work better off a metal halide ballast vs the EYE ballast. Is this true?


Active Member
Any particular reason for going with the Iwaski 6,500K?
I read that these bulbs acually work better off a metal halide ballast vs the EYE ballast. Is this true?

I have read this too, I don't have any experience with them though.



Originally posted by ReefNut
Any particular reason for going with the Iwaski 6,500K

Mainly I am leaning towards Iwaski 6500K because it covers a broader light spectrum. Its very good for growth. I will be supplementing it with 640 watts of aticnics. I was thinking about adding 175watts on the ends and bumping up the middle light to a 250watt.


Guess I will look into 250s across the board than. Thanks for the info. This metal halide stuff is pretty tricky to figure out when searching to buy a setup. This ballast will run this bulb. This ballast wont run this bulb. Any other recomendations for lower K rating bulbs? I have seen the 20Ks and hate the look. 10Ks look decent, but I am looking for a more natral looking light.


Active Member
The thing about the Iwasakis is that it can run off of a MV ballast. This actually makes it run brighter and presents it as being bluer to the human eye. But I may be wrong but I think the bulbs are MH, not MV