Metal Halide Lights


I am wondering how many watts i would need to get for a 60 gal. I was looking at a 400 watt...but i was wondering if i would be better off getting to like 175 watt or something like that to spread out the light thoughout the whole tank. I wasnt sure how many watts i would need. I dont want to be resricted as to what kind of corals or clams i can get just because of my light. so any help would be greatly appriciated!! thanks!! :D


400 would be better and not restrict the corals/ clam you owuld like to have that gives you 6.6 wats per gal which you would be very happy with.


Active Member

What are the measurments of your 60gl.? How deep is it?
If its short and deep then go w/ a 400w. If its long and shalow then go w/ 2 175s or 250s.


thanks for the info guys. My 60 gal is a long not tall. so thats why i was wondering if i would need two. but thanks all for your help!! :jumping:


Active Member
I was under the impression that you need one bulb per 2 feet of tank. Sure that one bulb is 400+ watts, which will get to the bottom of the tank...but it may not illuminate the entire bottom.