metal halide or 144 watt pc?


ok lets take a poll here should i make my 24 gallon aquapod an sps/lps tank wit the metal halides or just an lps/softie tank with the 144 watt?
but heres the thing the pcs r like one hundered dollars less than the metal halides and all i have is 200$$ so i would have to save up the extra hundered so you guys decide


Save up and wait. You will probably end up going to MH eventually and then you won't spend the money twice like I did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Look into T5's, there are some very successful tanks out there running them.
Agreed, yet finding a nice fixture with individual reflectors was hard on a budget and given the tank size. If you have money, look at teks


I Say look for a nice used t-5 system. BUT, between the halide and the power compacts, go with the halide. Will eventually want one, and they really pretty up the tank


Active Member
Also with the halides, you get the "shimmer" in the water, meaning you can see the water ripple reflection at the bottom of the tank... another perk to having halides instead of PC's


Never had just straight PCs, but I can tell you that halides are pretty sweet. and like everyone else said, no reason to spend the money twice.


Active Member
If you want SPS, then the halide kit. I'm am not aware of any T5 lighting fixtures or kits that would fit onto your aquapod.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
If you want SPS, then the halide kit. I'm am not aware of any T5 lighting fixtures or kits that would fit onto your aquapod.
I was looking at the Tek's and the only one that would be small enough is the 2 ft 96 watt fixture, and even that would need to be hung above the tank.
The only MH that will fit I think will be the sunpod. Thats what I have on my 24


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Also with the halides, you get the "shimmer" in the water, meaning you can see the water ripple reflection at the bottom of the tank... another perk to having halides instead of PC's
yah ive always loved that about metal halides......anyway yah im gonna go with the halides
(but thats after i get 100$$saved up


I would not think so, I have a 150W MH, 26 gal.I just leave it open top. I'm In New Mexico with just a swamp cooler and my tank never goes above 82.0. its 80-100 this time of year. then again you may need one because of the area you are in.


Originally Posted by Alexknight
I would not think so, I have a 150W MH, 26 gal.I just leave it open top. I'm In New Mexico with just a swamp cooler and my tank never goes above 82.0. its 80-100 this time of year. then again you may need one because of the area you are in.
oh i hope i wont need one