Metal Halide Question!


So my DIY LED idea is becoming more of a hassle and cost is skyrocketing with the purchase of tools and additional parts. So I am scratching the idea and looking at possibly getting Metal Halides for my 10g tank. I was looking at the Viper 70 w or the 150w or the Sunpod. The 150w may be a bit overkill but I do plan on upgrading at some point so would be able to use the same light fixture on a bigger tank. Your thoughts would be appreciated! Any other ideas would be very helpful! My tank is 15Lx10Wx17H. I would like to be able to hold all types of corals.

the bro

Sunpod also makes a 70 watt model, but the viper is def. the cheapest of the two. Also the smallest sunpod is 20" long.


Active Member
on a 10gallon its almost for sure youll be having heat problems with a 150w. i say to complete the led build because once its done, theres a huge payoff. you wont be changing lights any time soon and itll run cool