New Member
So this may sound like a silly question, but I have just not seen it mentioned in any of the posts I've been browsing. I was considering getting a MH fixture to stand (not hang over) on my 72 gallon bowfront. In the past, I have kept the standard glass covers on the tank with my PC lighting. It recently dawned on me that I don't recall seeing any setups with a "closed" tank surface (i.e. the tank surface is open with a glass enclosure only surrounding the MH bulbs themselves to prevent any water damage). I was planning on leaving the covers on to reduce evaporation, noise, jumping possibilities, etc., but is that a bad idea with MH fixtures? Are there concerns for the MH overheating the water (even more than normal for MH) or the glass significantly reducing lighting quality? Just wondering if anyone knows of any problems with that approach or if I should be looking into other lighting alternatives. Thanks.