metal halide


Active Member
Do you just want to know what a metal halide bulb/fixture looks like? Because I don't think a pic is going to really show you how much light they put out. As to whether you need them or not, depends on what you have (or plan on having) in your tank.


well i plan on doing a frag tank and i wanted to see what a tank looks like with the halides on cause ive never seen one


Active Member
Andrew you might want to consider reading a lot about lighting and what it is going to cost to set this up. If you do not know or never have seen a mh light you probably have not been to LFS hence do not have any swf and probably are not real sure what a coral is if you have never seen a MH light that is. I mean is this a joke ?
Their are diffferent kinds of corals lps and sps and you have to have HIGHER lighting for some and less for others so until you know what your going to have someone showing you a picture of what a mh bulb looks like on will not make a difference. I have to be honest here this seems to be a joke... If it is not I am not trying to disrespect you just simply state you need to think way before lighting like setup of a frag tank prior to lights.


Hi Andrew! Here are a couple of pictures of my 75 gallon tank with a metal halide and compact flourescent combo light. I have 350 watts of metal halides and 192 watts of actinic compact flourescents. Hope that helps!



Active Member
Andrew do you have a setup now ? Is this sommething you just saw in a store or internet and think it would be fun to do / If so please PLEASE consider cost of this ( nothing in this hobby is cheap if you want posotive results ) and nothing is easy it requires a lot of hard work to get it setup right but the rewards are secondd to none IMO. I love it. I di dnot however research it all prior to just buying a tank a skimmer and filter and ended up dumping another 1500 in it to make it workable after the initial 800 I spent.
Just make sure you can provide for the like you have to do and have the time to ddo it. in the begining it is time consuming but after a few months it becomes second nature and a real joy to do. Working on my tank etc changing stuff around soothes me and has certainly cut down on my xanex intake.