Metal Halides???How many??


Active Member
I have a 40 gallon long saltwater how many watts do i need to keep any corals eventually i want to know if i need the 250 Watt MH or the 175 Watt MH will either one of these be good for a 75 gal when i upgrade?
The consensus around here seems to be 1 bulb for every 2 feet of tank length.
If you're going to upgrade to a 75 soon, then I would buy the lights for it and put them on the forty. I use the 250 watt Iwasaki, but if you can afford to buy some of the more pricey ones, they seem to be more versatile. I am stuck using 'saki 6500k because that is all my ballast will push.
The other thing to consider is that you can push a lower wattage bulb with the higher p[owered ballast. How this is appplicable to you is, you could buy, say , a 400 watt ballast and run only 175 watt bulbs on your 40. In a year or so When you get your 75 ( the bulb needs to be replaced anyway) you can pop in the 400 watt and away you go.
I have not tried doing that though, and it may not be as easy as it sounds.. I wish you luck.
Oh, yeah...I would use the 250, maybe even 400's. that way when the clam 'bug' bites you'll be set up already.
Don't let the huge wattage scare you. I was pleasantly supprised at the look of the water, and when I want my living room to look like a stadium, I can open the hood. The MH maks the water shimmer on the floor too. Its pretty cool looking. I wish i did it soooner.


Active Member
if i get the single 175 watt which side do i mount the socket on or in the middle of my tank?
i wont get them prob till june or july because this summer im getting a job and ill make 250.00 to 300.00 a week im 15 so thats like hitting the jackpot lol:D