Metal Halides


New Member
I purchased yesterday 2 Metal Halide Lights for my 75 gallon tank. They are 250 watts each and 14000K. The water looks amazing. It is so bright and crystal clear. I also have 100 pounds of live rock that I ordered from here which I think is the best live rock I have seen. Better than my last order. Anyway I think the lights are the best purchase I have made. Anyway it has been up a week. So if anyone has suggestions on corals, inverts, and fish to put in it go ahead. I am a little new at the coral part of saltwater hobby, but it can't be that hard and i have some books and my LFS is awesome. The guy started not too long ago but he has a huge reef tank in the center of the store with probaby 10 metal halides tank in probably 2 feet deep but like 25-30 feet long. He has tons of corals and everythink in there. His fish tank have a filter problem so he can't stock as much but someone is coming out to fix that problem. Then he has like a saltwater pond with sharks and puffers, and a stingray and more. Just thought i would tell you how my experience with metal halides went. My only problem they heat the water so i think i have to get a fan. The water is probably 4 degrees warmer when they are on. I would recommend them to anyone.


Active Member
Have you cycled the tank?? You need to cycle first and allow it to mature a bit before adding corals. If the tank has been setup a week, you still have have a good 3-4 weeks before the cycle will be over.
The 250w MHs are sweet lights!! Make sure you acclimate your tank to the new lighting. With going up in intensity that much you need to be careful not to bleach the coralline on the LR and to limit any algae blooms.


New Member
No, my tank hasn't cycled. It probably has 3-4 weeks left. I haven't been keeping the lights on the whole time to get the light intensity acclimated with the algae and stuff. It is so pretty, they were worth the money. You can see the light waves moving on the rock and everything. Well does anyone have info on some corals and stuff for me. There are so many it is a little confusing at first. Thanks


Active Member
I'd start off with some Zoanthids. They are hardy, love light and come in a dazzling array of colors.
Here is one of my favorites. Click the picture to see more.

Safecracker Zoanthids
But I'd wait till your cycle is complete.


New Member
I already have zoo's in another tank which I like they add color and they are fun and will have them also, but I'm looking for something a little more. I didn't buy these lights for nothing. Anyone other suggestions would be helpful.


Active Member
Well.. I tell you as soon as I get metal halides im going acro crazy.. maybe you should look into purchasing some acroporas :) (when you're established)


Active Member
I would suggest slowing down and allowing the tank mature no less than 3- months before adding corals. Wait around 6-month to a year before adding delicate corals such as acros. You will have less problems if you wait...
Also, make sure you maintain pristine water if you venture into delicate corals.


New Member
I'm not new at this. I know my tank has to be up for a certain amount of time. My only question was to get some suggestions on some corals. What has been everyones favorite. What some people found to be not a good idea. Experiences. I am not so dumb as to go out as soon as my tank cycles and get the most expensive and hardest to care for corals in the world. Just because I don't have many posts doesn't mean I don't have a clue and that I am new at this becasue I am not. Sorry if that was too much to ask for.


Active Member
Not to much to ask... just trying to be helpful. I got the impression you were a newby by this post but it's just a misunderstanding I guess.
What corals are you interested in?? With your lighting you could have about anything. My personal favorite sps coral is the Green Slimmer. My favorite soft coral is the Xenia. Favorite LPS corals are the Hammers & Frogspawns. If you plan to have a sps tank then stay away from adding leathers and other soft corals, go for all hard corals IMO.