Metal Hylide Vs. Power compact


New Member
I just purchased a 50 gallon tank. I have everything but the lights. Which would be better dollar for dollar? Two 55watt 9375K power compact bulbs and lamp for 125.00$ or a true 10000K 175watt metal hylide bulb and pendant for 250.00? Will the two power compacts be enough light to have a few hardy soft corals like mushrume? Is 9375K high enough to feed the zooanthelle in anenomes and corals tissue? Would just one 175watt metal hylide be enough?


1 MH lamp generally lights an area of 2 square feet, so you'll find that if you only buy 1 MH only half your tank will be lit (assuming you've got a 4' tank). If you get 2, you will definitely have enough to keep a lot of different corals and inverts. As for PC, I'm not too sure I've never come across them personally however most people seem to have 4 not 2. However, if all you want to keep is mushrooms then 2 would be fine. You mentioned anemones though, they are a different story.....


I will set up a 55 in September and buy a 50/50 tube to keep some shrooms. My parents will probably get me a 4x55 or 4x96 watt PC system for christmas. The 4x55 would probably do it for sea anemones and SPS, and the 4x96 would kick butt! Shrooms don't need much light, a 50/50 will do.


4x55 for SPS? Sorry, no way. 4x96 minimum. I have over 1000 watts of lighting on my SPS tank and still would like more if I could afford it. Go for the 4x96.


I'll get the almighty 4x96 then. Would I be able to keep clams (maxima or crocea)? I really like those. I want an anemone because I will have a percula clown, among other fish. This will be a bigger, badder tank than I first thought it would be. When I first wanted to set up a SW, I considered a 25 gallon FO until I got a job at albertsons. My job put me within reach of a reef. My parents will probably get me the 4x96 for christmas. I may have to pay 100 of it since it costs 530 big bucks.


Gabe, I think you should get a 4x96 too because you will be able to keep just about anything you want. You want a ton of light because you will want SPS and anemones later if not already. I know it costs plenty, but it will encourage a very nice display. I think you could use MH, maybe a 250W 14000K Hamilton. They are cheaper than the 4x96 to buy, but the bulbs don't last as long and cost about 130 bucks apiece!


New Member
Yeah, but i only have a 50gallon tank. If I have all these clams and corals, than i would have to have less fish do to nitrates. Id rather have fish than clams and corals. All I want to have is about 40lbs of live rock and a mushroom coral and the rest fish. Fish are more interesting to watch than corals that just sit their..