Thanks for the input so far Beth. I was skeptical about the Methylene blue because of its harsh dying characteristics. I have already checked out your stickies at the top of the page, there great!
I got another question. I quarentined my 2 YT damselfish and 1 african clown. Its been 24 hours since I started to make my QT hypo-salinic. I also noticed that my damselfish turn to a pale bluey-purple color. There in the dark most of the time, I mean black. I turn on a mild light (1 ordinary 40watt bulb in the laundry room), there are also 2 48 inch fluorescent bulbs but I only use them when I in that room, which isn't a lot. I'm feeding pellets and flakes occasionally. Also, will this cure the ich problem, oh, I think its ich or brookynella. They don't have white spots, it's more like a white sandy looking film on their bodies. They rub up against other fish and rock (when they were in my show tank). Thank again for your help and the stickies!!