Methylene Blue


I read that I can use methylene blue as an antibacterial agent. You are supposed to mix in enough methylene blue to turn the water a deep blue then dip the infected fish in the solution. I have 2 yellow tailed damselfish with ich. Any suggestion on how to use the methylene blue.
And another question, does anyone have a picture of hypo-melaninization?


Staff member
chamic1, absolutely not. That would be a complete waste of time and it would ruin your tank. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of the forum and the post there on ich.
Also, look at the Diseased Fish thread for several picture of clownfish with Hyper-Melaninization.


Thanks for the input so far Beth. I was skeptical about the Methylene blue because of its harsh dying characteristics. I have already checked out your stickies at the top of the page, there great!
I got another question. I quarentined my 2 YT damselfish and 1 african clown. Its been 24 hours since I started to make my QT hypo-salinic. I also noticed that my damselfish turn to a pale bluey-purple color. There in the dark most of the time, I mean black. I turn on a mild light (1 ordinary 40watt bulb in the laundry room), there are also 2 48 inch fluorescent bulbs but I only use them when I in that room, which isn't a lot. I'm feeding pellets and flakes occasionally. Also, will this cure the ich problem, oh, I think its ich or brookynella. They don't have white spots, it's more like a white sandy looking film on their bodies. They rub up against other fish and rock (when they were in my show tank). Thank again for your help and the stickies!!