metronidazole for HLLE?


Has anyone heard of this? I am not one for medicating tanks but this stuff is new to me and thought it might be a new treatment.
hikari metro plus is one product and seachem metronidazole is another. both are claiming to be a treatment for HLLE which I have going on in my tank.


Staff member
Take a look at the info on HLLE in the FAQ Topic, top of this forum. Maintaining a top notch environment, including good water quality is very important in addressing HLLE, so I don't endorse using any meds in the display tank.

al mc

Active Member
I am not sure of the logic in using an antiprotozoal/antibiotic product for HLLE when it seems generally accepted that the cause is a problem from stress or poor water quality. Maybe it will help, I just do not know why it should be expected to....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
I am not sure of the logic in using an antiprotozoal/antibiotic product for HLLE when it seems generally accepted that the cause is a problem from stress or poor water quality. Maybe it will help, I just do not know why it should be expected to....
Agree 100% with Al. From what the hobby understands of HLLE, it's a condition, not really a disease, infection, virus, etc. Definitely read the FAQ and see which parts possibly you can see causing a problem.
But to directly answer your question, while metronidazole has a couple uses in freshwater, the only real know problem that metro. treats in marine fish is, dinoflagellate infections, the rarer form of internal parasites.