mexican dragon eel won,t eat

ok i have had this guy for about 2 weeks offer him silver side krill. he won,t go for it i even leave some right by him he won,t touch it.he seems well but not eating , he is active any ideas .

crypt keeper

Active Member
how big is he? Try something more oily and smelly. Like squid or octopus. If not go get some damsels. No reason to let him starve. My Fimbriated would only eat damsels. It took lots of time to get him to eat frozen. I still give him damsels every few weeks. Just to get any possible nutrients he may be missing out on.

salt life

Active Member
+1 for CK, morays have horrible eye sight so they usually hunt by smelling around, soak some food in a garlic vitamin like GVH garlic soak, and see what happens. also, krill is not the best to feed it and there is better options than silversides too. I feed all my morays clams,squid,octopus,raw shrimp,scallops,etc.
since you haven't had him that long, he may just be on a "hunger strike" which in that case you need to leave him alone because putting food infront of his face only adds stress.


Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k
ok i have had this guy for about 2 weeks offer him silver side krill. he won,t go for it i even leave some right by him he won,t touch it.he seems well but not eating , he is active any ideas .
have you tried... beef mole or a little salsa?


yeah octopus is great eel food how big is he ? sometimes eels go on unger strikes for a long time... most time they wil be ok
i talked about this years ago and almost got band lol. i will try that my lion might get to them first he is a pig.very aggressive for food. he get his ass beat by my tomato clown which is 3 times smaller or more but he is real mean. he took out a pinktail trigger

crypt keeper

Active Member
if a mod were to ban you for talking bout feeding an animal that normally eats live food live food then they are a freaking moron.