Mexican Dragon Eel


Well today I stopped by one of the LFS that doesn't really have a large selection, but always has some interesting stuff. They have a mexican dragon eel right now for 70 dollars which I didn't realize even existed. How aggressive are these guys and how big do they get? I have a 250 gallon that I'm setting up in January, so if this is a suitable fish for it I'm going to ask the store owner to hold him for me until it is setup. If its something that doesn't explode in size, I might get it early and keep it in my 75 so I can have him all acclimated by the time I have him ready with my other fish to make the transition to their new home. I'd say he's maybe just under a foot in length right now.


Active Member
Not a ton of information about these guys as we don't see them that often (Muraena lentiginosa), also known as the Jeweled Moray. They don't get that large (about 2 feet or so), but they are fish eaters and predators, though not nearly as aggressive as some of the larger eels (Tess, Fimby, and even the other Dragons), they are still more aggressive than the average Snowflake or Zebra. The key is not to have any fish small enough for them to eat, and keep them well fed.....Some reading material for you.


Thanks, I haven't really been able to find much on this species at all. They don't get quite as big as I hoped they would, but this means that it probably wouldn't be as aggressive towards my other fish either. I'm thinking that it's going to be a good addition to my tank, but I'm just going to wait until I get my new one setup before I buy him. Only thing is I kinda feel rude asking my LFS to hold him for so long.


Jeweled morays are great for a tank... I have one and they arent super agressive but deffinetly give you attitude. Mine was deffinetly morea agressive when smaller but ever since its hit the 24 inch + its chilled out alot more...


Active Member
I had a jeweled moray for over 7 years and it was one of my favorite fish ever. Mine was kept with triggers and puffers and never had any problems. Wasn't overly aggressive but at feeding time it would pose a risk to fish (or my hand)... but that's just because they don't see well but they have an excellent sense of smell. So they tend to bite at almost anything when they smell food in the water. Pretty active as far as eels go. Great fish.


I'll probably drive down there this weekend and see if they still have it and if so, put down a deposit. I've got finals week right now so I don't have the time to really do anything that I'd like to do right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jag2232
I'll probably drive down there this weekend and see if they still have it and if so, put down a deposit. I've got finals week right now so I don't have the time to really do anything that I'd like to do right now.
call em up, tell em ur interested in it, and explain why you cant get down there right away, school an all, an see if they'll still hold it for you


Yeah I'm most likely going to give them a call. I just gotta start finding some other fish for some more movement in my new tank. All I'm going to have so far is a grouper that likes to hide and 3 eels.


Active Member
how big is your tank? and how big is your grouper? you may want to rethink having him in there LOL in a few months, depending the type of groupe, he will be big enough to eat anything u add LOL


75 but he's moving into a 250. He's not really all that big right now, maybe about 5-6 inches. He's a jerk though, so I wouldn't really be surprised if he terrorized anything I tried to put into the new setup. I'm probably going to keep him in the 75 for a while even after I set up the 250 so I can establish other fish in it without him messing with them.


Active Member
just make sure any future fish you add are close to his size and you should be ok, at least thats what ive read on here LOL they say if he can fit it in his mouth, he will swallow any and all fish in your tank. what kinda grouper is he anyway? loll


He's a miniatus. A LFS by me had him for sale for 40 bucks when I got him which was a steal considering i've only seen ones his size for a little over 100 online. Don't get me wrong though, he's a very cool fish, he's just really paranoid. He's always swimming around the rock work in my tank policing out his territory and comes out and hovers around the surface waiting to be fed when I go near the tank.


Active Member
with a mineatus, well, talk to crimzy, or, check out his 450g build thread in fish discussion, he's got one that an absolute beauty


Go figure that he got sold. Eh... I really wanted fish that would swim in the water column more anyway seeing as my 3 fish tend to hide in the life rock mostly.


Active Member
they are a gorgeous fish when a juvie, thats for sure, an they look pretty cool in adult colors as well :p hmmmmm, they're definitely worth u lookin into man, i think itd be cool to have one as your centerpiece for your tank for sure though


Active Member
i have the mex dragon / jeweled have had her for about 4 yrs now ..i say her cus shes perty..shes not overly active but a very aggressive eater i had her housed in my 125 for a couple yrs with.:
large volitan 12 in
,spiney boxfish puffer 7 in
,niger trigger 5 in,
silver scat 9 in
,7 in lunar wrasse,
7 in foxface
12 in panther grouper ,
18 in banded eel,
22 in black moray,
I no longer have the other fish listed but she now lives in my 90 gal shes aprox 24 beginning to show more girth in growth as apposed to length.. they are very hardy eels with big appetites ..
the hardest time would be feeding time as she will dart out and attack anything within the reach if shes going after food.
and stirring the sand bed big time in the process,,shes avery messy eater when it comes to that.. sand everywheer
and i have to use all cautions when reaching into the tank she will attack..she is actually more aggressive to us than my tess was..