Mexican turbo snails?


Hey I have 3 mexican turbos in my tank. Is it normal for any one of them to not move for days at a time. One of them hasn't come out of his shell in about a week. Is this normal? Thanks for the help!


They could go days with out moving, but when they do, they move, and you can tell.
If they die, when you pick them up the will literally decompose and fall out of there shell.
It will smell rancid, really, really bad.
if you pick them up and they don't fall aprt they are probobly okay.
I bought 2 cleaner clams, it took one 4 days before monving and the other took almost 3 weeks before it moved.
Snails are great though........


Thanks I will watch him. see if he moves. I say he cause you know how lazy us guys are for weeks on end!


It Wouldnt Hurt To Go Ahead And Lift Him Up And Take A Look Now. It Would Be Better For Him Not To Decompose Totally In Your Tank.
Make Sure He Is On His Foot, Noton His Back Or Side And Place Him On A Piece Of Live Rock With Some Algae On It. I Have Never Had My Snails Go More Than A Day Or So Without Moving And Now They Move Constantly.
They Large Turbos Do Evacuate Their Waste Every Few Days Which Is Wierd To Watch, But That Is The Only Time They Are Actually In One Place For Very Long.