MH ballast question


Active Member
I want to look into buying my ballast at a electronic type store. Now I believe a M57 is for a 175w MH.
And a M59 is for a 250w MH.
My question is which ballast will fire a 400w MH bulb?


Active Member
Forgot to add at the present time I don't plan on running a radium. I am thinking of just a 400w ushio 10k or something like that. Thanks


Active Member
Slick, I don't know which one is better :confused: . The pulse starts are more expensive. Also some bulbs say they require pulse start... I can tell you, just two days ago I put 400W 10K ushio's into my probe starts and they fired right up. Go to hellolights's website. They have some good info on the bulbs and ballasts.


Active Member
One more thing, if you missed the thread on the cool touch lights you may want to check them out before buying. I payed 200 bucks for a double 400w ballast and that includes shipping! :D Actually paid more for the bulbs than the ballasts.


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