MH Ballasts?


This has probably been explained before, but I can't find it all in one place...
What is the differance between MH ballast types? I know the differance between electronic, and magnetic, but what is Pulse and Probe? Are they a form of magnetic?
Also, what is an HQI bulb? Is it worth extra money?
I've been looking at Ice Cap, but Any recomendations are appreciated.
If you want to send links to info or shopping sites, please send them to


I've only seen the name "probe" start used here. I'm just guessing their talking about a pulse start ballast. Here again I'm not sure what a pulse starter is. I know it can be bought and added to a standard ballast (about 15.00 I think) Or maybe I should say PFO sales its for their standard ballast. They generally usedmade for Euro bulbs like the 10 and 20K
HQI bulbs are generally sold as double ended bulbs. They put out a lot more light, cost about the same and last a lot longer. They cost more to setup tho because the ballast cost more and the need a special fixture.