MH colors

I have noticed that some MH are a more blue color which make the corals look very cool. But some are more white? whats the difference?


Active Member
10k bulbs are more white than 14, 15 or 20k bulbs.
Also it depends on what ballast you have and which manufacturer bulbs.


Active Member
What was really interesting yesterday at the presentation by Tullio is that he had ran tests on the different k rating bulbs and found some that at 14k were running 19k and 20k running more like 13k. He said there is no true 20k bulb. Then again all of that depends on your ballast and what manufacturer's bulbs you run.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
What was really interesting yesterday at the presentation by Tullio is that he had ran tests on the different k rating bulbs and found some that at 14k were running 19k and 20k running more like 13k. He said there is no true 20k bulb. Then again all of that depends on your ballast and what manufacturer's bulbs you run.
shes right! different brand different color
a ballast is kind of like a welding machine, it charges up to create a spark
MH bulbs, the light produced IS a electric arc and depending on how that electric is focused or what ever it will produce different colors, also with the bulbs depending on the electrodes within the bulb and im sure its tungsten but there is many different variations of tungsten