MH for 55 corner tank?


I am looking to upgrade my 55 gal corner reef tank and be able to have some corals survive and thrive. Currently have 130 watts. Should I go for 250 watt MH or 400 W? Could I leave the glass top on or does this cause too much heat buildup. Thanks for any help and suggestions, I really am having trouble finding out good information on this topic from local stores.


How deep is the tank?
I had a 400w over a 44 corner tank that was 23" deep. The light was about 10" above the water in an open top canopy. Then temp would get up to 86+++ before I installed a fan. With the fan, the temp stayed right at 81, but I was loosing about 12gal a week to evap.
Just something to think about....but if Iwere to do it again, i'd go 250HQI....