MH for Anemone


New Member
Hi there, Im new to this site, but not new to the hobby. I have been keeping FOWLR for the past couple of years. I want to add an anemone and want to know what are the recommended MH wattage i need to keep one of these? my tank is a 210gl. It currently has four 36''inch 39 watts T5 lights. should i do 3 150watts MH? Any suggestions? thanks for any help. I have been lurking on this site for the past year or so. thanks!

small triggers

Active Member
i have a 432 watts for my 150g and my anemones do fine. Just keep in mind that you need to get your fish use to the new brightness if you put that much in there. They do not neccessarily need to be MH mine are t5HO's. It just really depends on what else you are thinking of adding, if you are going to be doing SPS or LPS then i would think the MH would be a great investment. But if you are just doing it for an anemone, i would add another new 36" t5ho fixture to the one you have. (which is what i did, i have 2x 48" 216 watt fixtures)