MH Lighting Opinions


I have a 110g, 2' deep tank that i am lighting to be a full reef. I basically have two islands with a channel running between the two. I have 3 VHO's ( 2 Actinic and 1 50/50) I then retro'd a hammilton fixture to put the 2 175W halides above each island and then fan in the middle. With the 350W of Halide and 420W of actinic-50/50 supplementing, will that be enough to have a tank with mostly zoos, shrooms, softies, a few LPS and a carpet anemone? Also the sand bed is about 3" with some of the rock up to about 4" from the surface. So tank depth really varies from 21" to about 4". And all lights are about a foot off of the surface.


well the reason i got the 175's was because i bought the hamilton fixture and a New Ocean 1/4hp chiller for $300. So being that i couldnt beat the price i had to go with it. Oh btw the halide bulbs are going to be 10K. The bulbs are in the mail getting here monday. I was kind of wondering about the carpet, but as of right now in the store it is not burrowing in the sand so im thinking it will be more inclined to be in the rocks. Also the halides are directly above each island of rocks.


I would love to have gotten the 250's. But i couldnt beet the price of $300 for a 1/4hp New Ocean Chiller and the hamilton fixture. So that is why i have the 175's