MH lighting question


New Member
I am thinking of replacing my lights on my 125 reef but have a few stupid questions.
1. What is the differance between the MH HQI sold at home depot and the ones at the LPS?
2. I recently read that wattage is more important then kelvin is this true?
3. WHat wattage should i use I was thinking of 3 400 HDI DE?
LIfe in my tank
Mushrooms that are currently running wild.
FIgure leather
Carpet Anomene
2 true percula
2 skunk Clowns
1 Hippo


COLOR is the main difference, The ones sold at home depot are usually around 3-4k which is very yellow over your tank, You want at least 6500k to reproduce natural sunlight, the higher the kelvin the bluer


A 125 I would go with 250w the 400 would be a bit over kill plus you would almost for sure burn everything in your aquarium. You would prob. do better with 250's but that is just my feelings on it.