MH lighting


I have a question about my MH lights. I have a 400W 14K, brand new system, running for about a week. When my lights are on I seem to get alot of bubbles building up on my LR and LS in the tank. It constantly seems to be bubbling...this seems a little odd to me, i am a little worried that it will affect my fish and plants. Any sugestions on what would be causing this and how to fix it? thanks for the imput.


Active Member
the bubbles have nothing to do with your lighting except now with the lighting your able to see them more..... check your microbubles.... do you have a sump? a skimmer produceing bubbles in the tank? :thinking:
p.s. your running a 400w Mh on a 75g tank? single 400w or duel? i'm hoping that MH is placed about 8" from the top of tank with fans...

otherwise.....those bubbles might be the bubbles from boiling...


yeah it's a good distance above the top of the tank. I also have a big fan blowing under it to move the hot air away. tank temp stay at 80-82. I do have a skimmer that could be making the bubbles but it's never collected on my rocks before, I would have noticed that.
I don't think it's
not hot enough!


Active Member
Is it a Cryno outbreak - increase flow to fix. Or an Algae outbreak because of the Photosynthesis process of the new lights. Trapped O2 from Photosynthesis...


Active Member
why didnt i think of that..........could be a cyano bacteria outbreak.... is it held ontop of the rocks. and sand?....or bubble algea...


Yeah it could be that. not sure what it is tho. It mostly stay's on the rocks but it does end up going to the surface. Mostly grown on the rocks and a some on the sand in a few spots. One of the spots on the sand I have some sort of purple algae growning, not sure what it is. almost looks like hair algae but not overly much of it. seems like there is a ton of micro bubbles constantly floating up to the surface too tho... :notsure:


Active Member
If I run 2 400w Metal Halide bulbs about 4 inches from the top of my water will it really heat my water up? Because I am loking into halides but I only have about 4 inches of clearance under my canopy. I would be mounting 2 fans on each side of the canopy for a total of 4.


Active Member
Hey, I have the same problem with the bubbles on my lr and ls. What is it? Is it cyno or the photo? If it is not the cyno what do I do? How long does Photo take?