mh lighting


I am looking to put mh+vho on a 125gal reef/invert tank.
I was wondering since the 400watt bulb is same price as 250watt and balast is only $14.00 more would it be better to get 400watt or would that be overkill?

david s

hell no i have a 90 and i am goin with 2 250 watt mh u got a 125 if your only goin 1 light i would go 400 for sure maybe 2 ask some of the guys with 125 tanks what they are runin

mr . salty

Active Member
for that price diference,I would definatly get the 400.Plus at least two of them will be needed.Even at 400 watts,if you only have one bulb you will notice the center of the tank will be brighter.The MH wont reach the ends...