MH lights won't go on!


So, I got my MH pendant today and put it up and everything. And then I tried to actually turn it on. Nothing seemed to happen when I plugged it into a timer. So I just plugged it into a regular socket and they turned on. Then I thougt I'd try again through a timer...nothing happened, of course. And now they won't even turn on through the regular socket! I mean, what gives?! :mad:
EDIT (2 mins later): they're on again. And through a timer at that! Grr!
Now, while I have your attention, how long does one need to acclimate the corals and anemone to the light? I brought the pendant up 14 inches and plan to lower it slowly, but how slowly? (I didn't want to move the corals and anemone around, so figured bringing up the light would accomplish the same goal.) :D


Active Member
Sometimes it takes a bit for them to come on, and then if they do come on and you shut them off and try to fire them up again they won't... You have to let them cool down first.......Let your corals be the judge how fast you should lower the pendant


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Now, while I have your attention, how long does one need to acclimate the corals and anemone to the light? I brought the pendant up 14 inches and plan to lower it slowly, but how slowly? (I didn't want to move the corals and anemone around, so figured bringing up the light would accomplish the same goal.) :D

if all you added was a new pendant and you were using MH's before then I don't see any problem..if you were not using MH before just rasing the pendant 14" isn't going to cut it, you should cut the time the bulb is on way down.


Yeah it sounds like your just not waiting long enough for them to fire. Be patient with MHs.