MH or T5?


New Member
I'm starting up my 63g.. building a reef...i was wondering what would be a better choice, two 250W Metal halides or 8-tube t5? I was wondering performance-wise, and also money-wise...the initial cost of the setup isn't important, but the cost that will add up from bulb replacement. Thanks.


Active Member
I've pretty much been a MH fan for years and I've really seen no advantages to running T-5s , especially if your plan is to keep light loving corals. That said, I have seen a few tank's that run T-5's and I've been pretty impressed with what I've seen..None of them have been full blow sps tank.
2x250 watt MH's will be a lot cheaper to run then 8x T-5's...watt per watt the heat is about the same...