Micro Bubbles in tank

big bubba

New Member
What would be causing micro bubbles other than a skimmer? I just switched my return pumps and now I have micro bubbles everywhere. I know it's not my skimmer since I've never had the issue until switching my return pump.


Active Member

Is the return pump external ? if so could be a leak in the pluming drawing air thru it.
Or if the pump is stronger than the old one could be extra flow over baffles ect. makeing turbulance and puting air in the water near the pump.

big bubba

New Member
Thanks for the reply. I'll check all of my fittings to see if it's pulling in some air. I don't have any bubbles in my sump at all. I think you could be correct that it's drawing air from one of my connections. It seems to be coming mainly from 2 of my 4 returns. Thanks.