Micro Reef Questions


Well here I am.. Been deeling with Micro Reefs for about a year now.. I have to ask all of you a few questions if you don't mind..
My newest project is a 15 gallon Designer tank from All Glass.. Now as many of you might know, the designer is a very difficult design to work with.. It has little surface area... roughly one (1) square foot and is roughly 20 inches deep.
Initially I started off with this tank as a fresh water but it wasn't working out so well so I tried something different.. I thought a reef tank with those dimensions would be cool. This presented me with several problems. Specifically, how to provide enough light to support coral and filtration. I took care of the light by cutting away the lighting fixture that was mounted in the hood and epoxied to double bulb mini mights in there. Which caused another problem.. Heat!!! With that little bit of surface area it was difficult to cool. Then I ran into a host of other problems like Hair Algae.. Yeahhhh that was fun (NOT!).
Anyway, the long of it is that I almost scapped everything and went crazy with a new design.. Please make me aware of any apparent problems with it. Since the stand for the tank on the inside is 12"x12" I had to custom make my own sump which I accomplished with some poly-carbonate that I had cut to some very tight specs (the sump is 12"x12"x13"). I then purchased a Berlin Classic (I know you are all going to yell at me for using a 250 galoon rated skimmer for a 15 gallon tank but ohhh well) I am using that in conjunction with a CPR c90b overflow box rated at a max of 600 gallons. Inside my sump I custom made all of the plumbing to supply me with two returns to the tank wich are powered by a rio 2500 with another 2500 pushing the protein skimmer. Inside the sump in the corner is another box (roughly 5"x5" and 7 inches tall) into which my protein skimmer drops it's return into, which I will use for chemical filtation.
I am sorry to be so long winded about this but I was looking for some feedback to my setup.
Sorry, I almost forgot. I took care of the lighting problem with a Coralife Solar System which is a 175 MH dimable lighting system..
Did I do OK?

Forgot to mention what little critters I had in my tank...
(1) Smaller Purple Tang
(1) Pecula Clown
(1) Pepermint Shrimp
(1) Coral Banded Shrimp
(1) Dancing or Camel Back Shrimp
(1) Brown & White Tube Worm
(1) Bubble Tip Anenome
(20) Blue Legs
(10) Turbos
(1) cluster of Buttons
[This message has been edited by Hermit (edited 05-25-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Hermit (edited 05-25-2000).]


Thats a lot for a 15 gallon. Way to much skimming for a reef tank of that size.


New Member
Its correct about the skimmer, but not wrong.
You can never over filter.
Always go big when it comes to Protein skimming or filters.


Thanks, I felt that since I was going to do it I would do it right.. When I get the plans and pictures of the sump and tank I will post them on my site.
Even if I set up the rio on the skimmer to be on a timer then I would still be good.. Thank you for the back up.


Well, first off there has been a recent disaster with my tank.. Through this transition time while I was waiting for a replacement Solar System pendant due to the fact that the first one was broken. My star fish decided to die on me which toxified my tank and killed everything off except for a bubble tip anenome..
But after a nice weekend to get my mind off of this mess I am back with a clear mind. Let me explain my logic here..
First off I would encourage everyone to read the articles at http://www.nanoreef.com/articles.htm I found them very imformative. Everyone is right with regard to the amount of light.. This is why I will be protein skimming the hell out of it.. Hopeful no algae... On top of this I have hopes of raising some light needy corals. With all that in mind I would like to remind everyone that a designer 15 gallon tank has only 1 sqaure foot of surface area.. Which power compact (aside from mini mights which cause a heat problem when attached to the hood) could give me the light I need.. A penant is really the only way to go at this point...
But when I look back at some of your responses I am confused.. Where are you getting the idea that I am over filtering the tank... If I time the protein skimmer for an hour or two a day and run carbon or phospho zorb in my sump what is the problem??? I would have great water quality with great oxygen content to counteract the fact that I have such a small amount of air exchange with the limited area of surface... If anything I would say that no one that I know of has gone through the effort to make this work.. Believe me I will be reporting back to you all...


Let me tell you.. The above metioned setup is working great... It is very unfortunate that everything except for the Buttons and the Anenome died in the transition but I will try to venture on....
The Solar System lighting fixture is sooo nice.. It was very frustrating in the begining because the first one was broken and I had to wait for a special shipment of another one... A bit of a pain in the ass when you spend $320.00 for a light but all is well now.. The pumps are doing great and I have gotten to the point where I feel comfortable with the protein skimmer being on while I am not around. The temp stays at 82 degrees and the quality of the light is great...
I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I have them scanned in... I appreciate everyones ideas and feedback on this but it seems to have worked very well...