Microbubble issue in Sump :/


New Member
Hello all!
I'll this out now, I'm totally new to SW Aquariums!

So anyways, to the issues. From looking at a lot of Sump images people have built/bought etc etc. Many have very cool baffles for these bubbles. Unfortunately, my sump was built kinda odd (I didn't buy it, it came with the tank)
I took the liberty of actually drawing it up :)
As you can see, the "Baffles" don't actually create a very good stoping point for these bubbles before they get to the return. The middle section are where my heaters are.
Any advise on how to cure this problem would be greatly appreciated!
[edit] Not sure if this is the right board to post this in :/


looks like a pretty easy fix, just remove te short baffles tat are on the bottom of the tank and replace them with taller ones so any bubles have to go around the middle baffle not just under it. you could also add another baffle from the bottom going up on BOTH sides of the baffle coming from the top.