Microbubbles annoying me!


Active Member
For some reason, the tank has a huge amount of small bubbles on the rocks and polyps. The surface isnt even being aggitated enough to where I can see bubbles at all, the just sort of form. Anyone else have this problem with their nano? Solutions (besides using a dropper to blow them off)?


there are a few reasons for microbubbles. you have cascading water somewhere, you have a micro-leak in your return line, your pump is cavitating or could be a bad prop in the pump.
what type of nano do you have? is the water "water falling" anywhere in the back chambers? are all your return lines submerged? how old is the tank.


Active Member
Its the 24 gallon Aquapod. All the back chambers are full of water, and its coming up on a year old. All return lines and etc do not come in contact with the water surface. The only thing that does is the when the re-entry into the tank, but I dont know what it could be because it hardly aggitates the water surface. Heres a picture of my return.


Active Member
hey paintballer768, havent seen you around in awhile. Well i dont think those microbubbles are much of a problem. I have them occasionally in my aquapod and my jbj nano cube. I actually have more in the nano cube though than the aquapod so i wish i could help ya but i cant. I just say leave em alone but it does seem like i have noticed where i notice those bubbles i see algae outbreaks in the same exact spot at times. So might mean there isnt much flow there ? I dnt know exactly though. I just leave em alone and let my fish attack em or try to eat them when they float up. LOL. its funny to watch them do that.


Active Member
Yea Ive noticed the places that do get them, theres usually a tad bit of algae there. Some of my new frags I got introduced some sort of brown, flimy algae that has long strands coming from it (usually only 1), but doesnt grow in the extreme flow areas. I added a maxi900 two days ago and its helped alot. Im guessing something like an odd algae or bacteria, maybe even dinoflaggellates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vandy12069
check the skimmer
Dont have one. Will be getting one next week though, and Ill be looking for increased signs of bubbles in the tank. Thatll tell me if I have too many bubbles in the skimmer or what.


I am surprised you dont have more bubbles. On another one of your threads you state you dont have a skimmer. Means higher Organics. With the addition of disolved organics and possible phospates in your tank, I am surprised you dont have more. Alge job is to break down foods. More food more alge. More than likely bubbles are being generated by the alge during the conversion of wastes to oxegen. When my tank was cycling I had air bubbles growing all over the sand bed. Can you redirect your flow twords these spots? Least they wouldnt show untill you get an PS and your water under control


Active Member
Originally Posted by Grue
I am surprised you dont have more bubbles. On another one of your threads you state you dont have a skimmer. Means higher Organics. With the addition of disolved organics and possible phospates in your tank, I am surprised you dont have more. Alge job is to break down foods. More food more alge. More than likely bubbles are being generated by the alge during the conversion of wastes to oxegen. When my tank was cycling I had air bubbles growing all over the sand bed. Can you redirect your flow twords these spots? Least they wouldnt show untill you get an PS and your water under control
Hmm theres an idea. Its actually pretty widespread, over many rock surfaces and corals. Id be beating them up with flow if I redirected it towards the bubbles. Ill try to subdue my OCD and put up with it until I get the skimmer or something. Im expecting great things lol.