

Hello all, nice forum. I read all the time but have yet to post.
I would like some help in a few areas.
set up:
I have a 125 reef with 3 150 mh hqi lights, plenty of rock a small fuge off the sump (just installed 3 wks ago). 6 fish and soft corals. I am slowly making the jump to lps and sps. My first try was 1994. (dint work out so well for me then).
After about 14 years, 3 kids, two moves ( upgraded size each move), numerous times of neglect, breakdown,scrub, reassemble, hair algae, cyano and many other battles along the way, I finally bought decent test kits and have my parameters pretty stable...again. (new cleanup crew on the way...again)
Ok my questions
1. microbubbles...in the tank seem to be coming from the sump return and a canister filter return. I have both of these returns near the surface for surface movement. I have read here that microbubbles are bad. how bad? and how can I get rid of them?
2. Going forward I want to add LPS and SPS, is my lighting sufficient or should I be looking to add some t5's or additional lighting?
Sorry for such a long first post.


In MY experience microbubbles have come from two sources.
1. You have a leak on suction leak somewhere where air is drawn in. You could also have a venturi at a spot where an air line is meant to be hooked up but is plugged.
2. You may have cavitation. This is where the "supply" of water going to the pump is slower than that of the impeller. The impeller still spins at it's designed speed and vaporizes some of the water is comes in contact with.
So, check all of your fittings and make sure that there are no suction leaks. Than, check to make sure that there are no obstructions on the pump side or that your pump isn't just too strong for your system.
Check your o-rings on the canister. I've never used one but I can imagine that large o-ring could have potential to leak. Use a marine safe non-petro based lube to seal the o-ring.
My 2 cents. Hope it helps.