

New Member
I understand that certain fish (dragonets, gobies, blennies, etc.) feed on live worms and microfauna. What is the best way to determine if liverock is established enough to host these fish to where they will survive and hopefully thrive? Is there a way to produce more microfauna and worm growth? I've had my liverock for a year and a half, but I not positive how to determine if these organisms are present and plentiful in my aqaurium enough to keep any of these fish. Can these types of fish be kept together seeing as their food source might become scarce with more competition? I have a 29gal with two 65w cf. Thanks for any feedback. :thinking:


Active Member
Adding a refugium is the best way to insure a safe haven for pods to breed.If that is not an option,piles of LR rubble placed in the back of the tank will afford them a refuge. The addition of invert formulas,phytoplankton,etc will help with their numbers.I have a refugium,and still I periodically add back copepods to keep up their numbers as I keep several pod eating fish. Pods can be purchased online or at some LFS'. They love to eat Ulva..a type of macro-algae.A 29 gal. tank is'nt going to hold enough LR in and of itself to feed a mandarin IMO. They are constantly searching all day,and burn lots of energy with their fast moving fins. Some will take to picking at prepared foods,but not enough to sustain them.

nm reef

Active Member
A well established refugium is the best way to establish and maintain microinfauna populations..there are sources to aquire copepods etc...but in order to sustain populations they need someplace to thrive without predators.


I am thinking of starting up a refugium to host pods and help keep my nitrates down. What do I need in my fuge besides LR and LS?
Miracle Mud? Cheato? What kind of critters? Snails, crabs? Please advise :notsure:


I am also going to add a refugium. To add to this thread... what I've researched/heard on this site is that a refug will make a huge difference in keeping pods and lowering nitrates. I was just planning on plumbing it all up according to some designs and adding: rock, sand bed, cheto or calpura and going for it. I've had a hair algea problem for a couple of months. I think that this will help. I also understand that volume addition is a benefit also.


Active Member
Has anyone had a good experiences with microfauna purchases off the web? I'm not looking for particular sites due to respect for the board owners but I just wonder if the shipments provide enough animals to kick start the fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jumpfrog
Has anyone had a good experiences with microfauna purchases off the web? I'm not looking for particular sites due to respect for the board owners but I just wonder if the shipments provide enough animals to kick start the fuge.
I did when I first started mine. I liked it and got a good assortment of critters..micro stars,pods,mini snails,etc. A bit pricey..but was worth it to me.