Midas Blenny in aggresive setup?


I know that this is probably a dumb question but I have a really mean midas blenny (a fang blenny) in my reef and i was thinking about putting him in my 55 gallon with a 3 inch Clown Trigger and a 5 inch Dragon Wrasse. He is pretty mean and the Trigger is pretty passive (for now). What do you guys think?


Well first off, you do know that clown triggers get to be like 14 inches and highly aggressive? And dragon wrasse get to be about 10in? But to answer you question, no. Blennies and Triggers don't mix well, 9 out of 10 unlicensed ciropractors agree.


Yes I know that they grow that large and yes I realize that they are mean. When they do grow that large, I will accommodate their needs and buy a larger tank- but for now they are quite happy. But it does take a while for a 3 inch clown trigger to grow to be a 14 in clown trigger. Thanks for the advice- I just wondered because the guy at my fish store keeps a midas with his small clown trigger and he swears that they are happy. I appreciate the concern- David


So do you have conversations with your trigger a lot? How do you know they are happy? I read too often here that people will "upgrade" as it is necessary. I think everybody on this site should promote a better way of fish-keeping. This is not ment as a slam, but as a reminder to think before you buy. If you don't have room for you fish now, wait until you do and then add it, you will both be "happy" that way.


One might assert that their dog is happy without relying on the power of speech. Fish do exhibit signs of contentment as well as signs of aggression, sickness and stress. The watchful fishkeeper can gauge a fish's contentness, (aka "happiness") with some degree of accuracy, through a scrutinous observation of their behavior and tank conditions. Truth be told, if you were so concerned about a fish's happiness, you would leave it in the ocean. I too feel that we should do all in our power to promote better fishkeeping; i try to practice what i preach through asking advice concerning possible situations. This is what i was doing when i inquired about keeping a midas blenny and trigger together. I will not do this thanks to the helpful tips of people like you. I really do appreciate the help and i don't intend to offend: but i don't appreciate the condesending tone that you use to deliver it. Furthermore, i see no reason to invest in a 120 gallon tank to keep a 3 inch clown trigger...however, i would do so to keep a 5 or 7 inch trigger.
Thank you- David


Active Member
Well my Clown Trigger which was bought as a baby in Aug 97 is now about 6 inches long (in a 135 since the beginning). Hope that gives you idea on how fast they grow it started out as about a inch and a half.