Midas Blenny


Active Member
How hard are these fish to keep? Do they have any specific needs? Will one get along with two ocellaris clowns, a pajama cardinal, three chromis, a royal gramma, and either a Copperband butterfly or a flame angel?
This new look for the message boards is cool!


Midas blenny would be fine with those tank mates.. they are very easy to keep... Ive had mine for a while now.


Active Member
This is my favorite fish by far. Lotsa personality, great color. But they are jumpoers. I lost two b4 I got the egg crate. First one I had for 6 months or so. jumped. Next one I had 1 day and jump. I am on #3 now and I have egg crate. 4 months with this one. Great fish.
They get about 7" long.


they are very fun fish with lots of personality. the first day we put the halides on from our pc light he was hysterical. he peeked out his little hole he calls home and looked up at the light looked at us sitting there looked back up and then looked at us as if he was saying what the heck is that? If i had access to photobucket id post some pics of him. awesome fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
This is my favorite fish by far. Lotsa personality, great color. But they are jumpoers. I lost two b4 I got the egg crate. First one I had for 6 months or so. jumped. Next one I had 1 day and jump. I am on #3 now and I have egg crate. 4 months with this one. Great fish.
They get about 7" long.
Ive never heard of one getting more than 5" and that is very large in an aquarium. They are recomended for 30gal tank or larger.


Active Member
They can get pretty long, but are not real swimmers. Great fish, but agree that they are jumpers. Prices have gone up because they are getting harder to find.