Midnight's 20gal Tank Diary...


New Member
This is it. This is my story. It all bein HERE!
I was going to start a tank with a 15 Tall but I'm going to do 20 High.
I went to the ***** and petsmart today. And got some stuff.
I got:
Penguin 150 Bio-Wheel Power Filter (Filter 150/For Up To 30 Gallon)
Penguin 1140 Submersible Power Head ( Powerful, Constant Water Flow) (Maximizes Oxygention)
Theo Heater 100W
I taked a pics of it of the stuff I got today.
I need to get Skimmer and Light I well get them next month in April. I'm not rushing I'm going slow.
I'm planin to have 4 or 3 clown fish.I'm getting the fish last. I'm going to have live sand and live rocks and Corals first.


Active Member
good start ive got the same filter except for a 55gal that filters a 75 gal its good...good start now for the expensive part the tank and etc...


Active Member
dont start with the huge expensive corals go with some small zoo's or polyps etc....i would also say put a damsel in first to make sure ur water is okay..


i would get at least one fish in your tank before you go for corals. if you really want corals first though, go for some hardy ones like zoos or mushrooms. And make sure your tank is cycled fully before you add stuff. You prolly know all this stuff, but just reminding. Good luck with the tank!


New Member
Alright. I might go head and put the last fish in there befor I put some coals. I'm not getting alots corals just a few.they r lots of money for them. I'm been trying to think what light to get. I got like 5 link to the light I been looking at and I don't know what one is the best to get.


New Member
Well today I went to the pet store and got my 20 High gallon Tank. And I got All Glass Versa-Top to because I have a 2 cat. Now need to get a Skimmer and Light and Live Sand.
Anyone know what skimmer sould I get?