midwest divers

anyone been diving in in quaries/lakes in the midwest. Kankakee and South Beloit IL Ive heard are good, and several in OH/IN. Anyone been or have any reccomendations?


Active Member
I got certified in Pearl Lake and at Lion's beach in Janesville. Both of them were really boring, and only good for learning. I have a friend who dives Devil's Lake in Baraboo, but says it's pretty dull. He just goes for the heck of it. Some other folks dive Lake Monona in Madison, but usually only to find the occasional "trinket". Basically, around here , the diving sucks--unless you dig cold water diving (which I don't do), then supposedly there are some killer wrecks in Wisconsin.


There are a couple decent quarries in Ohio. Gilboa is the name of one but I can't remember the other. One is in Findley and the other is in Bowling Green. It's definately not the ocean, but it does quench the thirst a little bit.



Originally posted by MR. Tuna
Have you ever been to john penne camp in key largo?
It is awsome!! :D

Yeah and Oh, yeahl It's God-like and humbles me.