might sound crazy but...


Active Member
i have been thinking of makeing like a water trouth(sp), little kiddy pool, or a water pond a stingray tank, what would be the bad thing if i did, i would love to get feed back from you guys


Active Member
thatw ould be fine if you got one large enough , about 150-200 gallons, but youll run intot he same problems witht he cost of filtration, you would still need a huge protien skimmer a real big refugium with lots of live rock deeo sand bed in the fuge and pool etc. etc. etc... but theres peopele out there that have shark "pools" or ponds. there is actually on in this forum a few posts down or on the next page


Active Member
and theose kiddy pools really are the perfect shape for a ray to be very happy in i would think! it's not a bad idea really!!!!!