Milky water


My water is kind of milky looking, real hasie. I've been moving stuff around to catch this @*%@ing frogfish that ate my clarkii. I don't want to loose any more fish to him and don't want to take everything out but that seem like its going to happen tomorrow. Also my amonia is a little high at 0.50. Should I just do a water change to help this.


Yah, I'd probably do a water change. Instead of disrupting your tank, see if you LFS has a fish trap you can borrow. I caught my Tomato Clowns with one and didn't have to move a rock.


my question would be if you have corals and clams, why do you have ANY detectable ammonia at all? is your tank fully cycled? i've never seen detritus stirred up by moving rocks around create an ammonia spike! do a water change immediately and find out why you have ammonia in your's extremely toxic!


Active Member
the spike and cloudiness probably came from stirring things up, especialy if you never cleaned the rock off, there are more than likely pockets and crevicew that are holding detritus which has nt completely broken down yet, this and if you disturbed the sand at all can do this,,
i fyour ammonia is that high, i owuld do a water change to try an d reduce it, alsodid you make any recent changes to the tank?, like add more rock or any fish? if so and this was done too fast, then this too could have caused the problem


I used to have a stars and stripes puffer about 8 -9 inches long that ate a Volitan. I returned him to the lfs and he ate a frogfish also. see if you can borrow one of these puffers. lol.